I. Stanco morto

Sei veramente stanco e decidi di delegare agli altri le tue faccende e incarichi. Crea una frase coerente per ogni faccenda, usando fare + infinito e specificando a chi la vuoi affidare. You are exhausted, so you decide to delegate your chores and duties to others. Come up with a sentence for every task, using fare + infinito, and specifying the person you will entrust each of the jobs with.

Modello: pagare i conti                      – Faccio pagare i conti a mio marito.

  • passare l’aspirapolvere
  • cucinare
  • fare la spesa
  • pulire
  • preparare la cena
  • annaffiare le piante

II. Distrutto!

Ora sei ancora più stanco e per risparmiare fatica, sostituisci i pronomi ai nomi. Now you’re really tired, so to save breath you substitute the pronouns for the nouns in the sentences above.
Modello: Faccio pagare i conti a mio marito.               – Glieli faccio pagare.

III. Traduzioni

Traduci le seguenti frasi dall’inglese in italiano. Translate the following sentences from English to Italian.

  1. We have our house cleaned once a month.
  2. My parents are having a new house built.
  3. I will have my mom call you.
  4. Can you get your friends to drive you to the airport?
  5. I made my sister fix dinner.
  6. I am too tired to wash the dishes. Can I get you to wash them?
  7. Where did you get your hair cut?
  8. Let me know what you decide.
  9. Let me think about it.
  10. My friend is having her wedding dress made in Italy.
  11. Don’t let me forget to mail this package.

IV. Programmi per la festa di laurea

Stai pianificando una festa di laurea per tua sorella. Fai un elenco delle cose che dovrai far fare dagli altri. You are planning a big graduation party for your sister. Make a list of things you are having other people (or businesses) take care of.

Modello: Faccio fare la cena da un ristorante italiano.